Wednesday, August 01, 2007

and in more of a sort of comedy of errors vein...

i own a water cooler. a water cooler that holds a five gallon jug and has a refrigeration unit in it, kind of like you would see in your office or at the doctors.

unfortunately for me, i also have a 20 month old son who knows how to get the water to come out of the water cooler and how to make an indiscriminate puddle from this cooler. so we added one of those hot water valves that you have to lock into place before it will pour the water.

tonight the valve broke off, so now, no one can get water out of it. and the culligan guy won't be here until next week.

fortunately i used some good old fashioned ingenuity to jam a fork tine into the space where the small plastic bit that broke off the valve used to fit, and by lifting up on the fork, i can get water to come out.

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