Monday, March 06, 2006

spare me your soapbox, Motion Picture Academy

while i thought Jon Stewart was quite hilarious last night, what was not hilarious, or even funny was the insulting way that different performers throughout the night felt they needed to explain to us that seeing a movie in a theater is the only way to really watch a movie.

fuck you, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.

maybe when you can convince theater owners to not charge half the price of a DVD while allowing any rude asshole into the theater with their cell phones and their loud, obnoxious conversations and all of the dawdling teens, then maybe i'll think about going to the movies. in the meantime, i'll watch from the comfort of my home, where rude people aren't allowed entry, where i don't get overcharged for the food, and where i can pause the movie when i have to take a piss.

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