Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Oscar Prediction: Make Up

continuing with my look at the Oscar nomination, today i'll predict the award for Achievements in Make Up.

the are three nominees:
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Cinderella Man
  • Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
my prediction: Star Wars: Episode III. let's face facts. the newer Star Wars trilogy was lackluster and didn't have the charm or the magic of the original trilogy and George Lucas couldn't write a script if his life depended on it, but the man can come up with a story, and the universe he populated with Star Wars is one of the most diverse and vibrant ever created. the thing is, to realize such a universe you have to have a really accomplished make up crew who really knows what they are doing. even George Lucas knows that you can't completely shoot a movie with a computer. and i'm pretty sure the Academy will acknowledge that the group behind Revenge of the Sith had quite an achievement this year.

tomorrow: Achievement in Costume Design

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